Naked guys in movies

Handsome naked men and young nude boys from movies from

Naked boy outdoors:

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Naked schoolboys:

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Naked schoolboys army medical examinations:

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Pretty young nude boy:

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Naked guy after shower:

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Naked boys army physicals:

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Hot muscled men showering together:

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Nude guys playing football nude outdoors:

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Naked schoolboys taking showers:

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Naked guys in the showers:

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Gay boys nude:

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Military showers:

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Spanish guy with big cock:

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Sweet Greek boy showering:

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Watch videos of naked guys from movies here!

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Naked soldiers erotica

Naked soldiers in MaleCinema and CuteSoldiers

Have recently come across with a site that has male erotic nudity scenes from different movies called I saw some free sites like that but not with exactly so hot clips inside. Those I met before had just little explicit male erotica and were focused on male celebs mostly. For those who like to spy for naked guys MaleCinema is just what they need.

It is true to say that this is really very rare material and you will not find so easy from other sources. It is divided into general naked male nudity, naked men in showers, bath and locker rooms, scenes with straight sex, outdoor nudity and male nudism and also naked soldiers’ scenes. There are about 60 short clips in the member’s area but they are very hot! Recommended not to spare money and sign up!

For more naked soldiers clips and rare military porn visit here

Naked soldiers gallery

More naked soldiers in movies!

Michiel Huisman rear frontal nudity

Apart of spy cam videos I also like to collect episodes with male nudity from different movies. So I will publish the most interesting episodes that I have. One is from “Philiene Zegt Sorry” also known is “Phileine Says Sorry” made in 2003 in Netherlands/USA.

Here you can see Michiel Huisman who is an actor in this movie and plays in porno version of “Romeo and Juliet”. He is very fine in the nude episode from thus movie and you will see lots of rear shots and 3 frontal shots. Of course camera do not focuses on his dick, but you got to see a great deal! As well the whole thrill of the audience that makes it even hotter! It is really very rear moments and not so easy to find.

Michiel Huisman nude

More naked guys in movies!

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